General contractor Aarsleff A/S is in the process of building new headquarters for Danske Bank in Copenhagen. The company is using the Liftroller logistics system to move materials and equipment into the new building.

Liftroller chosen as logistics solution
Project: “Postbyen-Danske Bank”
Area: 113,000 sqm
Contractor: Aarsleff A/S
Location: Bernstorffsgade, Copenhagen
Danske Bank is moving its head office from Holmens Kanal to Postbyen in Copenhagen. The contract is worth DKK 3 billion, and the project is due for completion in 2023.
The project has installed five Liftroller Wall units accompanied by Liftroller Wagons.
In September 2021 Liftroller was able to try out its new product, the Liftroller El Wagon, on the building site. Aarsleff A/S has conducted thorough tests of the new goods trolley, and it has also been evaluated by the Danish working environment organisation Bam-bus. Everyone was united in their praise for the new trolley!